Regular Officer
You should be between 17 years, 9 months and 28 years, 11 months to apply.

Regular Officers are full time Officers, who usually live and work on military bases. After completing your training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, you'll be leading from the front and caring for your soldiers.
You don’t need to have a degree to become an Army officer – just good A levels, or equivalent. In fact you can even study for one while serving if you choose.
Lead and Learn as an Officer
As an Officer, there are opportunities to learn as you lead. With training in project management, strategic management, or even getting a degree while you work, there is an option for everyone.
Life in the Army is challenging, but the rewards are unparalleled: progression has been constant and there's never a day when I'm not learning. I live and work with my friends, lead a capable team and get to represent my regiment at skiing.
Financial Support
Whether you’re joining as an Officer or a Soldier the Army is there to support you as you learn and develop.
The Army offers a range of financial support packages, bursaries and scholarships to selected officer candidates during further and higher education. All applicants for bursaries or scholarships must meet the officer eligibility standards and pass the Army Officer Selection Board.

Get paid to study
The Army has a range of bursary and scholarships available to those planning on a career as an Officer.
Bursaries & ScholarshipsArmy Officer Internships
The Army Internship Programme is your opportunity to experience a challenging and rewarding year with the Army in the role of an Army Officer for 12 months before, during or after University.
You will receive the same world class leadership training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as our Army Reserve Officers and then further training afterwards, depending on your role. You will then be attached to a regular Army unit, in the UK and on routine duties around the world, shadowing the daily role of an Army Officer, learning to lead up to 30 soldiers.
You will be paid throughout and take part in sports, adventurous training and military training exercises, but you will not deploy on operations.
An Officer Internship offers unique and exceptional leadership training and experience, as well as an unrivalled insight into the life of an Army Officer. Once you have completed your internship, you can elect to remain in the Army as a Reservist or regular Army Officer, or you can choose a completely different career path.
Skills you'll gain include:
Learning how to overcome physical and mental challenges
Developing your leadership qualities and gaining key management skills
You do not have to continue serving in the Army after your internship, but we do hope that you will. You will be qualified to continue to serve as an officer in the Army Reserve both during and after university; or you can complete the Regular Commissioning Course if you'd like to serve as a full-time Army Officer.
Internship faqs

Officer Selection
Learn more about what happens when you go to the Army Officer Selection Board (AOSB)
Officer Training
Find out more about what to expect when you head off to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.
SandhurstOfficer events
We regularly hold events to help people thinking about a career as an Army officer understand more about what life as an officer is like.
Currently, these are being held online. Hear from Platoon Commanders and Officer Cadets from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, as well as serving junior Officers at an insight day, or get a closer look at Army life from a female perspective at one of our online presentations.
Ready to Apply?
Start your Application today, and see where a career in the Army could take you.