Units at this location


0208 662 8332

[email protected]

About Us:

Provides recovery of equipment to the Infantry, Cavalry and support Regiments across the Warfighting Division.

When we meet:

Tues 20.00 – 22.00

Get in touch


[email protected]

About Us:

PARATROOPER - The Army’s airborne infantry. Trained to deploy on the frontline or behind enemy lines by parachute, helicopter or land, you will be part of it – a motivated and determined team at the operational cutting edge of the British Army. Master a number of weapons including: the Rifle, Underslung Grenade Launcher and General Purpose Machine Gun. Deploy around the world on everything from front line operations to disaster relief missions.

When we meet:

Tues 19.00-21.00

Get in touch


0207384 4203

[email protected]

About Us:

As part of the Regiment we operate at reach ( so in front of the forward line of our own troops) gather information on the enemy, pass this on to our higher commanders and thus give them a better understanding of what is happening on the battlefield. Gather information through speaking to the local population. this will give a better understanding of the culture within the country we are operating in. Report on timely and accurate information, pass back up the chain of command.

When we meet:

Training Evening Wednesday 19.30-21.30

Get in touch