Intelligence, IT and Communications Roles

Keeping troops connected and informed.

Communications, IT and Intelligence based roles work to keep troops connected and informed. They ensure our lines of communication are working effectively and free from security breaches. They receive skills and qualifications that help them in this field when they leave.

Royal Signals in action

Royal Signals

Royal Signals soldiers are dynamic, flexible and able to use their initiative to meet any challenge.

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Military Intelligence

Intelligence Corps soldiers are in high demand with immediate responsibility, working at the forefront of all operations.

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Best experienced with headphones

Activate Sound

Drones are just one of the ways the Army is using modern technology to ensure they are the best.

Army Drone

Eyes in the Sky

Highlights so far include a training exercise with Multi-National Forces in America and tackling the Machu Picchu trail in Peru.

Find Your Role

The Army has many different careers available for people wanting to join as a soldier or officer. Explore our roles, and find your perfect Army career.