Units at this location
[email protected]About Us:
Multi-Role Medical Regiments (MMRs) will provide an integrated healthcare system within a single Unit by integrating Primary Healthcare, Specialist small teams, Pre-hospital Emergency Care, Medical Evacuation and Deployed Hospital Care capabilities. MMRs provide improved tactical flexibility, agility, clinical continuity and credibility to the Operational Patient Care Pathway.
When we meet:
Tuesday 19.30 - 21.30
Available roles:
- Pharmacist Officer
- Pharmacy Technician
- Medical Support Officer
- Environmental Health Officer
- Army Nurse
- Dental Nurse
- Doctor
- Healthcare Assistant
- Biomedical Scientist
- Driver
- HR Specialist
- Chef
- Dentist
- Environmental Health Practitioner
- Mental Health Nurse
- Operating Department Practitioner
- Radiographer
- Combat Medical Technician
0300 1524832
[email protected]About Us:
C Company are a Light Role Infantry Company based in Cosham, Portsmouth. "The Tigers" offer careers in the Infantry Reserve and other roles. The Company also contains the Battalion Patrols Platoon. Infantry war-fighting excellence at its core.
When we meet:
Wednesday 20.00 - 22.00Hrs
Get in touch